Key Exchanges on Regional Economy Between the Cap-Acadie Chamber and MLA Jacques LeBlanc

CAP-ACADIE, NB, January 24, 2024 – Natalie Cormier, Chair of the Board of Directors of the Cap-Acadie Chamber of Commerce, and Anthony Azard, Chief Executive Officer, met with Jacques LeBlanc, MLA for the riding of Shediac-Beaubassin-Cap-Pelé, as part of an annual meeting to discuss issues affecting the region’s business community.

In an ever-changing economic context, this annual meeting is of particular importance to the region’s economic players.

Discussions focused on the following issues :

  • the cost of doing business in the region and provincial regulations
  • economic development (local, regional, provincial)
  • regional and municipal infrastructure
  • collaboration with various government bodies
  • regional collaboration

“This non-partisan working meeting is an added value for our organization. Our goal is to improve the daily operations of our businesses and organizations in the region. I would like to sincerely thank the MLA for his attentive listening,” adds Ms. Cormier.

MLA Jacques LeBlanc underlines the active collaboration of the Cap-Acadie Chamber of Commerce over the past few years.

“The professionalism, seriousness, and dedication of the Cap-Acadie Chamber of Commerce to the business community demonstrate the strength of the organization in Cap-Acadie, but also in the region. The organization’s Chairperson and CEO are exceptional leaders. It’s a real pleasure to work with them,” says Mr. LeBlanc.

For Anthony Azard, Chief Executive Officer of the Cap-Acadie Chamber of Commerce, defending the interests of businesses is an essential component of the organization.

“We are nearing the end of our first strategic plan 2021-2024. One of the pillars is operational accountability. Advocacy is one of the member benefits that contributes to our mandate. Since the adoption of our plan, we’re proud of the progress we’ve made for the members of our organization,” adds Azard.

The Cap-Acadie Chamber of Commerce will publish its 2023-2024 Annual Report on June 20, 2024, in advance of the next Annual General Meeting to be held in the Grand-Barachois area. Chamber members are invited to stay tuned for details of the annual general meeting.

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