Fruitful exchanges with the Broussard Business Community: the CCCAcadie emerges stronger from a strategic meeting

BROUSSARD, LOUISIANA (USA), October 7th, 2022 — The Cap-Acadie Chamber of Commerce, the City of Broussard, the Village of Cap-Pelé, the Broussard Chamber of Commerce, the Broussard Economic Development Corporation and the Lafayette Economic Development Authority met yesterday afternoon to consult on various economic, social and cultural issues during a meeting lasting approximately 1.5 hours.

The meeting was held in a friendly atmosphere conducive to discussions that will enhance the value of the sister city partnership and the economy of municipal entities.

“The discussions were largely productive. For a very first meeting of this nature, we are proud of what has been accomplished in a short time. We will already see concrete results from our discussions in the coming weeks.”.— Anthony Azard, Chief Executive Officer

The major themes addressed are as follows: the economic development of the two municipal entities, import, and export between Canada and the United States, as well as cultural exchanges in the field of arts and culture.


The Cap-Acadie Chamber of Commerce, the Broussard Economic Development Corporation and the Lafayette Economic Development Authority will work with other business partners to offer Cajun-certified products in stores and grocery stores in the Cap-Pelé region and Beaubassin East. This collaboration will make it possible to offer unique and authentic products to local citizens, directly on the shelves of our local businesses.

On another note, Broussard is the cradle of a pool of raw products that can benefit the Canadian market. We discussed the remains of sugar cane plants, called bagasse, to see to the creation of new recycled products from this raw material. This idea will be explored further in the coming months.

Additionally, with the craft brew market growing, these same entities will be evaluating opportunities for microbreweries to collaborate on a unique product.


Currently, there are no import and export exchanges between Broussard and the future region of Cap-Acadie. US trading partners have spoken out about the complexity of the process and possible barriers to exporting a wide variety of products from the United States to Canada.

The Cap-Acadie Chamber of Commerce recalled that Canada, the United States and Mexico signed the new Canada-United States-Mexico Agreement (CUSMA) in 2020 which serves to strengthen the already strong economic ties that exist between the Canada and the United States and Mexico. The Cap-Acadie Chamber of Commerce is committed to paving the way and encouraged economic development agencies and government agencies to popularize this agreement in order to make economic exchanges between the two countries more accessible.


The two Chambers of Commerce will organize major festivals in 2023: a festival in April in Broussard and two festivals in the Cap-Acadie region in July and September, respectively. The Broussard Chamber of Commerce and the Cap-Acadie Chamber of Commerce are committed to guaranteeing a showcase for their sister city in the festival program.

“Our Acadian and Cajun values ​​are very similar: food, music, and good times. This partnership will solidify the artistic relationship for our entrepreneurs in the arts and music world. We look forward to announcing all the details of these festivals and our respective programming. »— Anthony Azard, Chief Executive Officer


The Broussard Chamber of Commerce will be sharing its documentation, its programming and the best practices that are successful within the organization free of charge. It is essential to remember that the Cap-Acadie Chamber of Commerce carried out its strategic planning a few months ago and that it is still in the process of implementing frameworks for its programming and operations.

“The history of our respective chambers is very similar. Although our organizations may differ in their management, the Cap-Acadie Chamber of Commerce has every interest in learning best practices from the Chamber of Commerce located in our sister city. »— Natalie Cormier, President of the Board of Directors

“I am proud to see our partnerships with our sister city of Broussard expand with this meeting. This is very positive for our Chamber of Commerce, for the businesses in our territory and for all our citizens.”— Serge Léger, Mayor of the Village of Cap-Pelé

Another meeting is scheduled for early next week with the Broussard Chamber of Commerce to discuss issues specific to Chambers of Commerce on both sides of the border.

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