CAP-ACADIE, NB, October 8, 2024 – The Cap-Acadie Chamber of Commerce becomes one of five Chambers of Commerce in New Brunswick to achieve the prestigious national accreditation of the Chamber Accreditation Council of Canada (CCAC).
The Cap-Acadie Chamber of Commerce, through its Board of Directors and small team, has worked hard over the past two years to ensure it passed the review of its policies and procedures, as well as its annual programming. This review took place in the spring of 2024.
To obtain accreditation, a Chamber of Commerce must submit its policies and procedures to the CACC for review against a rigorous set of national standards. Accreditation is the formal recognition that a Chamber of Commerce has passed this examination and demonstrated excellence in its leadership, governance and operations. Accreditation standards are the foundation for building a strong and successful Chamber of Commerce.
Anthony Azard, Chief Executive Officer of the Cap-Acadie Chamber of Commerce, spearheaded the action plan that led to today’s accreditation. He has also just received the designation of Accredited Chamber Executive – Level 1 (ACE) for his exemplary management, rigour and community involvement. On the Board of Directors, it was under the mandate of Natalie Cormier, Chairwoman, who provided the necessary leadership to adopt the governance and administrative policies required for the sound management of the Chamber of Commerce and to meet the highest standards of quality.
The CACC highlights a series of practical benefits that accreditation offers to chambers of commerce. Accreditation ensures sound governance policies, aligned with best practices, and strengthens chambers’ strategic direction and competitive edge, while fostering member participation. It promotes the community as a privileged place to do business, guarantees good governance and reinforces credibility with sponsors. Finally, it reassures financial backers of the soundness of our finances and the realization of impactful projects.
The Cap-Acadie Chamber of Commerce also joins the Greater Moncton (2022-2024), Fredericton (2024-2026) and Saint John (2023-2025) Chambers of Commerce. The Hampton Area Chamber of Commerce (2025-2029) has also just joined the list. National accreditation for the Cap-Acadie Chamber of Commerce is valid for five years, from 2025 to 2029.
While the size of the Cap-Acadie Chamber of Commerce by no means compares to that of the larger centres in New Brunswick, it continues to stand out as a notable player in the defence of the region’s small and medium-sized businesses and in economic development.
The accreditation program was developed in 2004 by a team of chamber of commerce executives, in collaboration with provincial and territorial chambers of commerce and the Canadian Chamber of Commerce. The CACC, made up of representatives from chambers of commerce across the country, reviews applications for accreditation on an annual basis. There are currently 73 accredited chambers of commerce in Canada.
“Achieving this national accreditation is a testament to our commitment to strong governance practices and to positioning the Cap-Acadie Chamber of Commerce as a leader in our region. We have worked with dedication to adopt the best administrative policies, and this recognition reflects not only our commitment to our members, but also our ability to sustainably support local economic development.”
— Natalie Cormier
Chair of the Board of Directors
Cap-Acadie Chamber of Commerce“This national accreditation is recognition of the exceptional work accomplished by our team and our Board of Directors to ensure rigorous and exemplary management of our Chamber. We are proud to be one of the few chambers in New Brunswick to achieve this distinction, demonstrating that, despite our smaller size, we play an essential role in supporting SMEs and the economic development of our region. This success reflects our commitment to always strive for excellence in serving our business community.”
— Anthony Azard
Chief Executive Officer
Cap-Acadie Chamber of Commerce“Accreditation not only signifies a Chamber’s exceptional management and strategic vision – it marks an enduring commitment to applying best practices and raising standards across the entire Chamber network.”
— Chuck Davidson
Chamber Accreditation Council of Canada“It is an honour to recognize these Chambers for their unwavering dedication to excellence. Accreditation is a framework for success that amplifies the efforts of Chamber professionals across Canada, who are leaders in driving economic prosperity in their communities.”
— Becky Davison
Chamber of Commerce Executives of Canada“Accreditation represents the pinnacle of excellence in Chamber management. As we strive to build a Canada of thriving business opportunities, a robust economy, and a better life for all, accredited Chambers exemplify the leadership that will make this vision possible.”
— Candace Laing
President and CEO
Canadian Chamber of Commerce
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ABOUT – In operation since 1994, the Cap-Acadie Chamber of Commerce is a nationally accredited chamber by the Chamber Accreditation Council of Canada, meeting the highest standards of governance and management. Its mission is to stimulate a unified network of dynamic, diversified members by offering them opportunities to acquire the tools they need to succeed. With nearly 200 members, the Cap-Acadie Chamber of Commerce promotes the economic development and growth of its member businesses. It offers varied programming and a full range of advocacy services for members.